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The Talking Greenkeeper

Sep 28, 2022

I travel to Jeffersonville Golf Club to play a round and record a podcast episode with their GCS, Rich Shilling and the GCS of Bellewood CC, Tim Zurybida.  Thanks to our sponsors:

Email questions & inquires along with any questions about the Super...

Sep 22, 2022

Laz Versalles is a freelancer who writes about the game we all adore, and currently contributes to the influential Fire Pit Collective

Thanks to our sponsors:

Sep 14, 2022

Tanner Schoenfelder, Golf Course Superintendent at Wolf Creek Golf Club, located in the mountainous region of Mesquite, Nevada is back to talk overseeding, and challenges with water availability. 

Thanks to our sponsors:


Email questions & inquires...

Sep 10, 2022

Frank Rossi PhD is the Associate Professor at the School of Integrative Plant Science Horticulture Section at Cornell University.  Dr. Rossi is the host of the Cornell Turfgrass Turf Show Podcast 

And The Frankly Speaking Podcast...

Sep 1, 2022

Alan FitzGerald is a Master Greenkeeper, originally from Ireland, who practices his trade as the Head Golf Course Superintendent at LedgeRock Golf Club located near the city of Reading, Pennsylvania.  Alan is also a contributing columnist for Golfdom magazine and the distributor of Blinder Bunker liners in the United...